Hi guys.
I can't find an answer at PHP-WIN maillist. So I
forward the email here. Wish someone will help me.
Thanks a lot.

Thank you for your suggestion. But it doesn't work.
The line
$VusersArray = $Vusers->Next($Vusers->{'Count'});
doesn't work. PHP said: 

<b>Warning</b>:  Unable to lookup next:  Unknown name.

 in <b>tt.php</b> on line <b>8</b><br>

I am new in PHP and COM. I think it is a common
question. There should be a way to solve it. But if
PHP can't handle so simple a task, it's a big problem
for him. Such as database in PHP, I can't believe that
they provide different methods for different database.
It's not like a new and professional language.

Anyway, thank alain samoun again for your help.


--- alain samoun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use variant, Try:
> <?php
>               $AU = new COM("Persits.AspUser");
>               $Vusers = new VARIANT("", VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF);
>               $Vusers = $AU->LocalUsers;#Should be returning a
> collection
>            $VusersArray =
> $Vusers->Next($Vusers->{'Count'});# Get the
> collection in array
>            foreach ($VusersArray as $Vusers)
>               {
>                       $VusersSet->Reset;
>                       $username=$Vusers->{'name'} ;
>                       $userfullname=$Vusers->{'fullname'} ;
>                       print "User name: $username Full name:
> $userfullname<BR>";
>               }
> ?>
> Didn't test it maybe some bug...
> A+
> Alain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Flower Rose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 4:15 PM
> Subject: [PHP-WIN] How to use the Object returned
> from COM?
> I want to try a PHP script which use COM Object.
> But I don't know how to use the data returned from
> COM.
> There is an ASP example on how to use the data.
> =======================
> <%
> Set AU = Server.CreateObject("Persits.AspUser")
> For Each User in AU.LocalUsers
>    Response.Write User.Name & " (" & User.FullName &
> ")<BR>"
> Next
> %>
> It will print all users, such as: Administrator,
> Guest...... (10 users now)
> =======================
> But how to use it in PHP?
> =======================
> <?
> $AU = new COM("Persits.AspUser");
> $user = $AU->LocalUsers;
> echo $user->Count(); // It will print 10. That's
> right
> //I want to access those 10 users. But I can't find
> a
> //way. Anybody know how to access it? Thanks.
> //The $user is an object, not a object array. Any
> other method I can use to get those data? Actually,
> I
> just find the method Count(). Any documents about
> these?
> ?>
> BTW, all class/object function, such as:
> get_class_methods, get_class_vars, get_object_vars
> return unuseful results. If I use print_r to print
> it,
> it's like:
> Array {[0]->2}.... That's not what I want. The
> method
> Count, I just find it by accident.........
> Regards,
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