For India / a fountain 

We have been working on a completely volunteer PHP/ MySQL / Linux project for 
about 6 months. It is a low-overhead way to showcase and fundraise for new 
small charitable projects.  We just received (Jan 10th) tax exemption from 
the IRS as well as clearance to give grants overseas.  We expected to 
complete work in about 2-3 months using part-time PHP coders. 

Then the earthquake happened.  

So we are asking ourselves, even though we are not prepared, if we can 
mobilize our resources and build this in time to give rebuilding grants, 
health grants, and other assistance grants to India.  It is impossible to do 
our very ambitious web-site with the handful of PHP coders and get it ready 
in time.

But I have been on's list-serve for a few weeks and I have seen the 
*fountain* of knowledge and assistance and so I can't resist asking for your 
help.  Right now our team is distributed over the US (Virginia, California, 
Arizona) and we've had help from a coder in Croatia. And the last two to join 
are from Vitebsk, Bellarus, and Delhi, India. 

If you are interested in learning more please email me at 

I hope I didn't offend anyone for posting this non-tech notice but I had to 
ask.   If a few of you said yes, it could make it a whole different ballgame.


Intelligence . . . is the faculty of making artificial
objects, especially tools to make tools.

--Henri Bergson

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