Hello all! In index.php I include a file template.php using
<?php // this is index.php file include('template.php'); ?> Works fine. In template.php I'm using include function too <?php // this is template.php file echo 'before include'; include('header.php'); echo 'after include'; ?> Works fine on all machines I installed it till now: Windows (NT, 98), Linux (some of them). But I installed it on FreeBSD and... surprise. When I call index.php, all I get is "before include". No header.php content, no "after include" phrase. And there is no warning or error message. Has anybody got an idea what is wrong? Cheers, Hubi -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php