Hi all,

I have been trying to install PHP4.0 to Apache1.3 on Win2K platform.
I followed the instruction carefully, and all of applications, PHP4.0,
Apache1.3, MySQL are installed correctly, I think. However when I put
the URI into the browser, http://localhost/test.php, I got message "The
page cannot be found". I checked error log said 

"[Mon Apr 02 03:02:03 2001] [error] [client] Invalid URI in
request GET /test.php HTTP/1.1"

I changed every elements related with this error message.
And I found out one thing that if I changed name from test.php to test
php3, it seems ok. It didn't generate error message. But it is still not
be shown in browser, it show brank page. But when I push source bottum,
it is shown collect source code....... I don't know what I should do
next. Is there someone who can explain this situation? Please. 

Thank you.


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