when i upload a file, the form method must be POST because when GET is used,
it adds backslashes to the windows path name that already has backslashes,
and this causes an error.  for instance, the following snippet of code --

if ($add){
    $newimage = "whatever.gif";
    copy($image, $directory. "/" .$newimage);
print("<form action=thispage.html action=GET enctype='multipart/form-data'>
<input type=file name=image><input type=submit name=add></form>");

produces the following error

Warning: Unable to open C:\\My Documents\\My Pictures\\Sample.jpg

which is the image i'm trying to upload.  notice the double slashes in the
path (btw, adding $image = str_replace("\\\\","\\",$image);  does not help).
so the solution is to use the POST method.

now, on the same form, i have a multiple select box, where you can select
multiple values from one select box.  the code is as follows --

<select name=country size=3 multiple>
<option value=3>Australia</option>
<option value=4>Brazil</option>
<option value=2>Russia</option>
<option value=1>USA</option>

if the user selects more than one country, then if you echo $country, it
will show you only the last selected value for country.  however, what you
can do is break the query string at the ampersands, figure out all the
countries the user has selected and put them in an array.  in order to have
a query string,  the GET mothod must be used.  that solves this problem.

OOPS....to upload the image, the POST method must be used, but to figure out
the values from a multiple select box, the GET method must be used.  if i
use one, then the other breaks.  does anyone have any ideas?

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