
I'm using Apache 2.0.47 (Unix) with PHP 4.3.3RC2.

My httpd.conf file reads :

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html

... and then a little further down

ErrorDocument 404 /404redir.html

(404redir.hml is a PHP file, consisting of : <?php header("Location:
/404.html"); ?> ) The reason why I do this is so that the Google Adsense
doesnt' display welfare ads, since the 404 page contains a lot of keywords!

Anyway, the problem is this.

When a 404 occurs, for say a directory ... http://localhost/heidkjsdjksd
.... which doesnot exist... everything works great... i get redirected as
per requirement. Now when a .php files occurs .. it still works
(http://localhost/sdjkdkjskd.php) .... BUT when a .html files occurs...
http://localhost/crap.html .... it starts to download the file... and the
browser says can't download!!!

And now when I add a .php file to my AddType... it happens for the .php file
too... so since i've moved my website.. and had .php files... i can't use
the .php extension otherwise 404's don't get logged and taken care of!

Help appreciated. thank you.

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