PHP 4.3.6
Image Magick 5.5.7
imagick 0.9.10
OS: Mac OS X (10.3.4)

I'm trying to install imagick so that I can use ImageMagick functions in PHP. I was using GD, but I need to load images from TIFF and write thumbnails in jpeg with added text. I had it all working with jpegs, but got stumped on reading in full sized TIFF images with GD.

I've been using PHP 4.3.6 for a while and have successfully worked with GD and installed a module for openbase support. I'm totally stumped with imagick however. It seems I just can't get PHP to recognize that the imagick module is installed.
The installation instructions include:

1) make sure the path to Magick-config (the ImageMagick configuration
script) is in your PATH environment variable
2) cd /usr/src/php/ext
3) untar the imagick tar
4) if the directory created is anything other then imagick, rename it to
5) cd /usr/src/php/ext/imagick
6) phpize
7) cd /usr/src/php
8) rm ./configure
9) ./buildconf
10) run configure as you normally would and add --with-imagick
If Imagemagick is installed in a non standard dir, add this dir to --with-im
If you want GraphicsMagick instead of ImageMagick as backend, add --with-ima
11) make
12) make install

When I go thru these steps, phpinfo shows no reference to imagick. Yes, I used --with-imagick and tried --with-imagick=<dir> as well.
I've noticed when I rebuild the configure file, there is no reference in it for imagick. Conversely, there ARE references for my openbase module, so I am assuming the problem is in the module installation itself (i.e. telling php that the module exists). Is that the job of phpize?

  Any help would be appreciated.


p.s. During the install process I never got errors, but did get a few warnings that look like they are just complaining about doing things the "old way":

./buildconf --force
Forcing buildconf
using default Zend directory
buildconf: checking installation...
buildconf: autoconf version 2.57 (ok)
buildconf: Your version of autoconf likely contains buggy cache code.
           Running cvsclean for you.
           To avoid this, install autoconf-2.13 and automake-1.5.
buildconf: libtool version 1.5 (ok)
rebuilding configure
rebuilding main/
WARNING: Using auxiliary files such as `acconfig.h', `'
WARNING: and `', to define templates for `'
WARNING: is deprecated and discouraged.

WARNING: Using the third argument of `AC_DEFINE' and
WARNING: `AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED' allows to define a template without
WARNING: `acconfig.h':

WARNING:             [Define if a function `main' is needed.])

WARNING: More sophisticated templates can also be produced, see the
WARNING: documentation.

Robert Duran

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