PHP general list
                I don't want to take much time, but I'm still having
problems with cookies and I want to know if somebody could help my solve
them. First of all I tried to put the cookie Path to the different pages,
but didin't function. What's more.... I don't know what to put in
cookieDomain... it should be my server name, no? But doesn't function...
            I want to do the following: first the user enters a page and if
he/ she doesn't have a cookie so I can recognize him/ her, I display a form
so the user can complete it with his/ her data. In that page I put the
cookie in his/ her computer, so the other time he/ she comes to the page, I
can recognize him/ her. The problem is that the variable $_COOKIE is not set
in the page after the page that has the setcookie function and niether the
first page of the site where I check if there is the cookie in the client. I
have a directory structure with the pages:

page1/ --> here is the first page, where I check if the client has the
page2/ ---> here is the page with the form, in case is the first time the
user enter the site.
page3/  ---> here is a page where I put the users data in the database and
the cookie in the client.

    The question is.... what sould I put in the $cookiePath variable? which
    Another problem is that when I set the domain to the cookie, in the page
appears a window message that asks me if I accept the cookie or not, because
is from an unknown domain....
    What sould I put in the cookie expiration time if I want it the last for
ever (until the user delets it...)?

    Thanks a lot for the help I've allways recieved from the list and I hope
you can help me a bit,
because it's a complete day I'm with this cookies and I'm going desespperate
without a solution :-( Thank you very much for your time and help once

Sabina Alejandra Schneider.

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