How persistent are LDAP connections which are not closed
with ldap_close() or ldap_unbind()?

I am trying to re-use an LDAP link identifier by doing an
open, binding as something, saving the LID in a $_SESSION
variable, *not* closing the LDAP link, and then using the
LID in another script invocation which has rejoined the
session to get the LID and use it for additional LDAP
searches (after all, why keep rebinding?)

However, it seems -- based on tcpdumps, sockets states, and
the LDAP server logs -- that the LDAP connection is *always*
closed (ie unbind is done by PHP) invariably, once the
script finishes; there is no way to eg have the PHP session
retain a user's credentials that have already been used in a
BIND operation, and maintain the BIND to let the session
keep re-using it.

I am using 4.2.2 but I have looked at the diff between it
and the latest release candidate, and don't see any changes
which might affect this behavior.

Anyone know if this is expected behavior, and also if it is
designed behavior? Seems silly to me to keep rebinding when
a user might be invoking several scripts over the course of
a session, all with the same bind credentials.

Thanks for any info.

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