
I've recently started PHP development after a few years of working with ASP.
So far I really like PHP, but am having trouble using some of the techniques
I had in ASP.  For example, I really like using ASP's Application object to
cache data in, but I can't seem to have an equivalent in PHP.

(Due note that I'm also new to the Unix/Linux environment, so if I have any
concepts glaringly wrong, please correct me).

I've read over the System V shared memory functions, but I can't tell if
these would accomplish what I'm looking to do?

I guess what I really need to learn is how threading and synchronization
works in Apache/PHP.  I had just mastered COM/ASP's
single-thread/multi-threaded design and could write shared, multi-threaded
ATL components that all the ASP pages could read from marshalling and all

Are there any good resources/docs on the type of architecture PHP uses and
how to accomplish the above in the Apache/PHP environment?  I've looked
around at some books, but all I can find is basic
here's-how-to-do-a-web-page type stuff.

Ideally what I'd like would be an object that would stay loaded in memory
(in-process) so that PHP scripts could call functions and variables against
it with minimal overhead (specifically an object that could cache query
results instead of each page requerying the database).  Is such a thing
possible?  Or do I have to move over to Servlets/JSP to find this


- Stephen

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