If anyone has come across a similar problem to the one described below, and
has a solution I'd be really grateful if you can help me out.

I'm trying to implement a user authentication process where users can click
on an external link to my site. If they're not logged in they get presented
with a login dialog. Once they log in they're redirected onwards to the page
they initially wanted to visit.

The system I have in place at the moment handles authentication using
sessions. The bizarre thing is, while everything seems to work on my home pc
(windows & iis web server, php 4.2.1), on the host server (linux, apache,
php 4.1.2) I get the login screen twice before I get redirected. My hunch is
that it's something to do with when session variable become available after
registering them. (I'm using the sesssion management functions built in to
php 4).



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