Hi I am new to this newsgroup and I plan on replying to all the posts I can
for now... but Id like to start out by asking a question. I am trying to
paginate my sql results in 10 by 10, which I have been able to do no
problem. but what I want to do is have the pages layed out in google style
with (1)(2)(3)(4) etc etc and each one is clickeable that will take you to
that page. I'll show you the code I am using now for next and back

//located at top of page

//start of body, this verifies that so is numeric, divisible by 10, and a
valid number
$q="SELECT id FROM tblNoticias ORDER BY id ";
if ( isset($_GET['so']) && is_numeric($_GET['so']) )
 if ( ($_GET['so'] > $num_rows) || ($_GET['so'] < 0) )
  if ($_GET['so'] % 10)

//return results

$q="SELECT id,titulo,texto,img1_data FROM tblNoticias ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT
    while ($row=(MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY($result))){

// next and back buttons


  if ( $so >=10)
  $sortback= $so-10;
  echo "<A HREF=\"noticias_historia.php?so=$sortback\" class=\"mainText\"><<
Atras</A>" ;

 $sortforth=$so + 10;
  $existencias=MYSQL_QUERY("SELECT id FROM tblNoticias LIMIT
  if ( $existencias > 0 )
  echo " <A HREF =\"noticias_historia.php?so=$sortforth\"
class=\"mainText\"> Siguiente >> </A>";

DID I PUT WAY TO MUCH CODE?? Sorry, and I apreciate your help.

How can I implement the google style paging into this code?

Thank you...

Ted Conn Lider de Proyectos [EMAIL PROTECTED] Scinet México S.A. de C.V.
+52 (222) 294-05-95 al 97 Sin costo: 01-8000-DOTCOM Puebla · DF · Monterrey

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