Hi all, I'm newbie in PHP.

I found message when I connect to ORACLE. Here you are :

Warning: odbc_connect(): SQL error: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name , SQL state 08004 in SQLConnect in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\connectdb.php on line 2

and here is my PHP script:

$connect = odbc_connect("trial", "TRY", "mine");

$query = "SELECT cust_vendor_id, cv_name FROM dbsoe.cust_vendor where
cv_name like 'ANU%'";


But when I connect using another Database Explorer through the same ODBC, it works. user id and password are correct. I've checked it. Can you tell me why ?

thanks a million. Timotius
Netkuis Instan untuk Divre 3 - SD,SMP,SMA berhadiah asuransi pendidikan puluhan juta rupiah... periode I dimulai 1 April 2004

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