I cannot get exec(), system() or passthru() to run an extenal program.
>From the command line it runs perfectly:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] html]# /var/www/html/myprog -E 123456789098.dat sample1.txt
(no output, it just creates the file .new)

Here is the php I've created, fairly simple:
exec("/var/www/html/myprog -E 123456789098.dat sample1.txt
I've tried using full paths as well
>From other threats I've double-checked this:
 - safe mode is disabled
 - the values for max_execution_time and memory_limit are large enough
for this simple program.
 - permissions are correct for all files involved:
any user can run the program ( rwxr-xr-x )
any user can read input files
apache is the owner of all files involved

I'm getting frustrated, Any  help will be deeply appreciated

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