
-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Brad Pauly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Joab Stieglitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [PHP] Number Sign in String Variables
Date: 18 Jan 2003 16:40:40 -0700

> OK.  I urlencoded the URL and now the URL passes correctly...
> add_to_cart.php%3Fitem_num%3DSTT32700%26quantity%3D1%26sale_price%3D52.78%26
> unit%3DBX%26short_desc%3DENVELOPE%2C100%25COT%2024%23%2CGY%26wholesaler%3DUS
> %26cost%3D37.700
> ... but I get the following error:
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access
> /carmae/add_to_cart.php?item_num=STT32700&quantity=1&sale_price=52.78&unit=B
> X&short_desc=ENVELOPE,100%COT 24#,GY&wholesaler=US&cost=37.700 on this
> server.

Your web server is trying to find a directory with that long name. If
you encode the entire string, you need to pass it in a new variable,
then break it apart again.
> Suggestions?

Sorry, I gave some bad advice the first time. All you need to do is
urlencode each of the variables individually. Something like this:

$item_num_encoded = urlencode($item_num);

Then your link will be something like this:



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