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Hi php-general,

I have already PHP 4.3.1 running on my apache 2 webserver, on Linux.
Now I've tried to make PHP 5 run, everything compiles well, I have set
the same configuration parameters than for PHP 4, only additionally
--disable-libxml because it wouldn't compile then.

I added the line with (well it did by itself...) and
restarted the webserver (graceful). Didn't work, .php was not sent to
the php-engine.
Then I commented the No .php file was recognized to go
through the php-engine...
I uncommented the, so I have 2 libphp again,
there, I had segmentation faults, and the webserver

restarting the webserver only with php4 gave me following:

[notice] Graceful restart requested, doing restart
[notice] seg fault or similar nasty error detected in the parent process
[warn] pid file /var/run/apache2/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous 
Apache run?
[notice] Apache/2.0.44 (Unix) PHP/4.3.1 configured -- resuming normal operations

Well, my question: what's wrong?

Here my config-parameters (config.nice):

#! /bin/sh
# Created by configure

'./configure' \
'--disable-libxml' \
'--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' \
'--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/etc' \
'--enable-magic-quotes' \
'--with-bcmath' \
'--enable-exif' \
'--enable-shared=max' \
'--enable-rule=SHARED_CORE' \
'--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' \

Thanks for answering/helping...


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