Making mod_so active should be a case of using --enable-shared when you
configure Apache.

Getting mod_so active and using the DSO install is probably the easiest and
coolest way at this time.

>I have already uncommented the lines in my httpd.conf file which read:
>> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
>> AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

You also need to either:

1. If you compiled as DSO, uncomment the AddModule and LoadModule about PHP
2. If you compiled as Static, you didn't manage to get the new httpd running
    A. Perhaps you skipped make install in the Apache compilation process
    B. Perhaps you skipped stopping/starting Apache
    C. Maybe you tried to "restart" Apache, but it didn't really happen...
3. If you compiled as CGI, you need to add Alias and Action lines to your

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