Hi folks.  Given the last response by Justin to my comment about some
people's dislike for DB abstraction layers I'm electing to throw this
out into the general discussion as a new topic.

I have mixed feelings about abstraction layers.  At times I love them
(mostly) and at times I hate them.  I posted a problem to a postgresql
forum recently where I was having a query return different results from
the command line and from within PHP, and it turned out to be a bug in
ADOdb's debugging code which was the problem, incorrectly reporting the
query which had just run ('%,123' is not the same as '%, 123' but it
will drive you insane!!!!! ;o).  I hated it for a brief time then ;o)

The link below points to a page which contains a message from someone in
response to my post looking for help solving the above problem, someone
whom I consider to be quite, quite knowledgeable about databases and
whose opinion I very much respect, so I think it deserves a read.  It
makes some interesting points:


Anybody care to throw their hat into the ring for a debate on the pros
and cons of using DB abstraction layers such as ADOdb (which I really
like) against Pear::DB and PHP's DBX functions, for example??



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