I have been trying for over a week to write to the sendmail aliases db3 file
and have been unable to do so regardless of how I configure the arguments
with the dba_open statement.  It keeps telling me "Invalid argument".  It
works fine within BerkeleyDB.  I can read the file just fine but cannot open
it in write mode.  Also, phpinfo and dba_handlers both show that db3 is
available as would be expected if I can read the file.  When I do a
db3_verify and db3_stat from a shell on the test db they both come back just

Any help would be great as I don't want to rewrite everything in perl.


Here are the warnings I keep getting:

PHP Warning:  dba_open(aliases5.db,w): Driver initialization failed for
handler: db3: Invalid argument in /usr/local/www/data/maillists/test2.php on
line 2

Here is my test code, it always displays "dba_open failed" and if I take out
the check for an open handle it obviously bombs.  I have tried it with "wl"
and many other combos.  No luck:

$id = dba_open ("aliases5.db", "w", "db3");

if (!$id) {
    echo "dba_open failed\n";

$key = dba_firstkey ($id);

while ($key != false)
    echo "<br>Key: " . $key . "->Value: " . dba_fetch ( $key, $id);
    $key = dba_nextkey ($id);
dba_close ($id);

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