I've got a live script which occasional has to retrieve a file via ftp,
download to the server, post-process it then display it.

I use caching to check to see if I've already got the file, but if I don't I
have to process the ftp_get operation which occasionally times out.

So, is it possible to trap the time limit exceeded error and return a fail

For example:

function GetFileViaFTP( $filename )
    if (file_exists("cache/" . $filename))
        return true;

    $ftp = ftp_connect("some host");
    ftp_login($ftp, "some username", "some password");
    ftp_chdir($ftp, "some path");

    if (ftp_get($ftp, "cache/" . $filename, $filename, FTP_BINARY))  // This
will sometimes fail

        return true;


    return false;

function GetFile( $filename )
    if (file_exists("cache/" . $filename) || GetFileViaFTP($cache))
        return file("cache/" . $filename);

    return "Sorry, the file {$filename} could not be located";

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