When i run your code, the result is 100% correct, even
though you're outputting the wrong text label to go along
with the value.... 
you say "branch[one][two]" = $branch[one]
and since $branch[one] *IS* an Array, the output is correct
(even though "branch[one][two]" is NOT an Array --
very very important difference)

Here's my output of the code below:

Passing to getParentNodes:
currentBranch[one][two] = Array

$nodeName = "one";
$nodeInfo['parent'] = "two";

$currentBranch["$nodeName"]["{$nodeInfo[parent]}"] = "SET";

print "SET == ". $currentBranch['one']['two'] ."\n";
print "Passing to getParentNodes:\n";
print "currentBranch[$nodeName] = " .
$currentBranch["$nodeName"] . "\n";

Scott Hurring
Systems Programmer
EAC Corporation
Voice: 201-462-2149
Fax: 201-288-1515

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Boget [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 4:43 PM
> To: Scott Hurring; Php-General (E-mail)
> Subject: Possible bug? (was Re: [PHP] Arrays: Please help before I go
> insane?)
> > In that case, split it up into two-steps, to only init the
> > array if you need to.... i'm not really sure how the rest of
> > your code is -- you could probably do this a nicer way,
> > but this will work:
> > if (!is_array($ary["this"]))
> > $ary["this"] = array();
> > $ary["this"]["that"] = 1;
> This is all well and good.  But I'm already doing that last 
> one and it's 
> that last that is getting messed up.
> Again, if you look at the page I gave the link for, you'll 
> see where it 
> says:
> currentBranch[other][joe] = Array
> (all good) but the next line it says:
> Passing to getParentNodes: currentBranch[joe][monster] = SET
> which it shouldn't.  Where it says "SET" it should say "Array".  This
> is what my code is doing:
> --------------------------
> $currentBranch["$nodeName"]["{$nodeInfo[parent]}"] = "SET";
> echo "Passing to getParentNodes: 
> currentBranch[$nodeName][{$nodeInfo[parent]}] = " . 
> $currentBranch["$nodeName"] . "<br>\n";
> --------------------------
> $nodeInfo[parent] is a valid value.  So $currentBranch["$nodeName"]
> should be an array after that.  However, by some miracle (or bug in 
> PHP), instead of printing out "Array", it's print out "SET".  
> And I have
> no idea why it's doing that in my code.  The above works fine 
> by itself,
> however in my function it doesn't *even though they are doing the same
> things with no other code between*.
> Chris

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