> Produces the result (among everything else):
> However, an <? echo "Path info: $PATH_INFO"; ?> produces an empty
> result.  Same with $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PATH_INFO"].

That's crazy...

You're not doing this inside a function and forgetting:
global $PATH_INFO
are you?

OH -- You also aren't having short_tags off, so <? just goes to the browser
as an uninterpreted HTML tag are you?  Use <?php *ALWAYS*.

> Scenario 2 (a & b):
>   Running a) Apache 1.3.12 on WIN2K w/ PHP 4.0.6 (cgi binary) or
>   b) Apache 1.3.12 on Linux with PHP 4.0.4pl1 (cgi binary)
> Calling test.php/foo/bar with the contents:
>   <? phpinfo(); ?>
> Produces a 500 internal server error.

Most likely, you aren't using Alias and Action properly, and Apache is
looking for a file named "test.php/foo/bar" but can't find it, but knows it
should feed it to PHP, and is getting very confused.  What do your Apache
error logs say?

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