Greg Breland wrote:
> I recently upgraded my site from PHP 4.0.6 to PHP 4.1.2.  The following
> bit of code quit working:
>         static $navigationLinks = array (
>           "index.php3" =>  "News",
>           "download.php3" => "Download",
>           "links.php3" => "Links",
>           "archived_news.php3" => "News Archives" );
>        echo "              <div style=\"border-style:solid;\">\n";
>        echo "                <ul>\n";
>          while( list( $link, $label) = each( $navigationLinks ) ) {
>            echo "<li";
>            if( $PHP_SELF == $link ) echo " class=\"currentPage\"";
>            echo "><a href=\"".$link."\">".$label."</a></li>\n";
>          }
>        echo "                </ul>\n";
>        echo "              </div>\n";
> If $navigationLinks is NOT declared as "static", then the code will work
> with PHP 4.1.2.  It works both ways with 4.0.6.  Just an FYI and
> wondering if anyone knows why?
> Greg Breland

Create shortest & complete script and submit this bug with the script.
I don't notice this bug nor bug report, but make sure you search
bug db for the same bug.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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