Please ignor...

I got it...


On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 16:22:02 -0500, Alex Hogan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a series of questions that are multiple choice.  Some of the
> questions have multiple answers to them.
> Those questions have answers that are indicated by a checkbox that is
> named something like;
> Q4_1
> Q4_2
> etc...
> Of those, each one of the checkboxes that indicate a correct answer is
> given a point value.
> I need only get the total points of question 4 and not the individual
> checkbox scores.
> What I have;
> foreach($_POST as $key => $value){
>    if($key != 'Submit'){
>        if($key == ereg("^Q4_.[0-9]$", $key)){
>            $Q4score[$i] = $value;
>        }
>        print $key.": ".$value."<br>";
>        $Score[$i] = $value;
>    }
>    $i++;
> }
> print 'Q4: '.array_sum($Q4score); - Returns 0
> print 'Total: '.array_sum($Score); - Returns correctly
> Is my ereg() wrong?
> My understanding is ereg("^Q4_.[0-9]$", $key) should look for a $key
> starting with 'Q4_' followed by a single number and place those values
> into an array named $Q4scores.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> alex hogan

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