try `ssh' onto the server and
test locally on the server, use `wget', `curl' or even write a small script...
what do you get this time ?
low traffic may also problemical, if the server shares bandwith with
other host, and there are busy ones among them.
On 10/17/05, Ruben Rubio Rey <[EMAIL PROT
In a "almost idle desktop machine" always takes arround 0.04.
The measured is on a server when it was with low traffic (average load
arround 0.7)
ac wrote:
where did these time measured?
on a heavily loaded server or on your own almost idle desktop machine ?
On 10/14/05, Ruben Rubio Rey <[
where did these time measured?
on a heavily loaded server or on your own almost idle desktop machine ?
On 10/14/05, Ruben Rubio Rey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I m creating a cache system, and i have a problem: PHP takes a lot of
> time opening the file. (Im using 2.6.9-1.667smp and XF
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