    If you want an elegant solution, you should grab Krysalis Foundation
from http://www.interakt.ro/products/Krysalis/.
It is an open platform that will allow you to easily publish content into an
XML/XSL approach, and will take all the configuration hassles away from you.

    Then create site with a preferences module (see the Komplete Lite sample
for this), and then detect the user client in it using the standard PHP
server variables, and choose a set of XSL files (skin) to server your
content dynamically for the specified client.
    This means that you will write the application logic once, and the
presentation layer multiple times, and everything will then function
naturally in the KRysalis MVC approach (one controller, one model, multiple
views choosed dynamically)


Alexandru COSTIN
Chief Operating Officer
+4021 312 5312
"Joe Harman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey maybe you guys can help me out here.
> I would like to start developing for WAP enabled devices. since there
> are a lot of people out there who still have phones that use different
> version of WML and still some that use HDML. and then the new phones
> being able to display XHTML. I would like to either find a parser or
> make one that will convert a XHTML file to be compatable with the older
> mark-up languages. does anyone have experience with this?
> Give you an example.. I have a Sanyo SCP-4700 on the Sprint PCS network.
> only HDML 3.0 and WML 1.1 is compatable.. So I run into a lot of
> different errors.
> So the first step would be to figure out how to determine a cell phone
> user's browser. So what's it capable of WML 1.1 or WML 2.0, HDML.. Or
> Appreciate the feedback,
> Joe Harman
> http://www.HarmanMedia.com
> Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and
> anyone going faster than you is a maniac. - George Carlen

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