
For anyone interested, it was a combination of issues.

First, I had to use flush() and ob_end_flush() combined to
get the page to display in IE. end_flush didn't work on its

Second, I was being dim in redirecting away from the message
page - because of course it won't display after a redirect.
So you have to do the processing in the message script,
saving the result to the session. Then keep polling the
message page with a client-side refresh till the gateway
processing completes and you can re-direct to the result

GC> I'm writing a checkout.

GC> When user submits their card details, I want to redirect
GC> them to page with a "please wait" message. Then redirect to
GC> the script that does the payment processing. Then when I
GC> have the response from the gateway, redirect again to the
GC> result page.

form ->> message -> processor -> result_page

GC> I've seen this done but I can't figure out how.

Geoff Caplan
Vario Software Ltd
(+44) 121-515 1154 

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