What you're looking for is SMS Spoofing. Here's the first result from googling SMS Spoofing. It provides some services that let you spoof and talks about the legality of doing so http://www.answers.com/topic/sms-spoofing

- Dan

"Brian Dunning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all - I've been looking at a number of the commercial service providers for bulk SMS messaging, most of whom have PHP APIs. But since they are selling something they don't answer my question....

Is there any (legal, legitimate) way to send an SMS message that can be replied to the desired SMS cell number? Like, if I use PHP to send an SMS to Bob, can I make it appear to come from Jim's cell phone so that Bob can reply directly to Jim normally? The services all require Jim to log into their web site to read any replies.

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