such things never have anything to do with PHP, and everything to do with the browser and/or HTML source code. So... either consider it a browser bug, or a bug in your HTML (I'd guess #1, and if you're using IE, then you can't do anything about it)

- Tul
Andre Dubuc wrote:


I have a very annoying problem with pages that re-display using the <form action tag>. On re-display the banner, which is set absolute position at 0px, shifts down by about an inch. I've isolated the cause to the <form action tag>.

Simplified code for bad.php page:

<?php session_start(); ob_start(); ?>
/* html head style body tags */

<form action="bad.php" method="post">
<?php include("banner.php"); ?>

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Names"

/* closing form body html tags */

if($_POST['submit'] == "Add Names"){

                switch ($_SESSION['status']) :

                        case "Member" :
                                header("location: add-names.php");

                        default :
                                header("location: join.php");


Is there a workaround for this problem, or is this a normal occurence?
Any suggestions or pointers would be gratefully appreciated.


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