Aaron Merrick wrote:
I'm reading in to a variable $section1 an entire php file that creates a
mysql table. I can output the variable in a new file just fine (figured out
what all had to be escaped in the original file).

My problem is, I want to replace the table name in the original file with a
new table name before I output it to the new file. But the str_replace has
no effect. Neither does an ereg_replace. Is there something in the content
of the file that is foiling the replace?

Here is what I have right now. It produces the same file content as is read


$search = "item";
$replace = "poem";

mkdir($replace, 0777);
$section1 = file_get_contents("table_create.php");
str_replace($search, $replace, $section1);
$table_create = fopen($replace."_table_create.php","w+");


str_replace() doesn't affect $section1; it returns the subject with the replacements, so you'd need:

$section1 = str_replace($search, $replace, $section1);

Of course, you'd know this if you had RTFM ;-)



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