Re: [PHP] Rebuilding PHP4 with IBM DB2 Support Causes Apache to Die Upon Restart

2002-03-24 Thread Josep Raurell
I think --with--ibm-db2 only works as statically linked with apache, no as module. And do you have the db2 connect librarys instaled in the system ? I copy here an article that works for my, I dont remenber where I see, maybe in - Sep 21st, 2000 13

[PHP] Rebuilding PHP4 with IBM DB2 Support Causes Apache to Die Upon Restart

2002-03-24 Thread Derek Battams
Currently I have Apache and PHP4 (using the Apache module for PHP4) working just fine on my server. However, the RPMs I installed for mod_php4 didn't include IBM DB2 support. So I took the source RPM and modified it by simply adding the following line to the spec file: --with-ibm-db2 I appende