Hey guys, I've got a question regarding a search engine I have to write....
Basically what I have is this..

I have a table with a serialized array in it. I'd like to take that array
and search for keywords... I've got a mySQL database and this is how I'm
doing it...

SELECT a FROM b,c WHERE(b.serializedarray LIKE CONCAT('%', c.keywords,'%'));

Where b is the table containing the serialized data and c is a single column
HEAP table with the list of keywords...

Now... My question is kind of two fold...

A) Is this the best way to do it? By Best I mean considering I am dealing
with a serialized array....

and - thiis is my real question

B) How do I show limited page results? I want to break up the results into
groups of 5 per page and have x pages (count % 5). My problem is that the
origional query gets lost once the page has returned the first set of
results and I have no real way of keeping them... There can be  too many to
append to the <A HREF> of the link to the next page and I don't want to use
form POSTS since I have to have buttons for all of them....

Any suggestions?


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