Not really a PHP question, but you could look to see if your friend has a GPS 
enabled phone and phone service and if there's an API for pulling the location 
from the phone co's systems.  Then you could see if there's a PHP solution for 
interfacing with that API.

Some cell phone companies let you see where the cell phone is on online maps.  
Without resorting to FBI or Spy Store tactics, that's probably your best bet.  
But is only good if they're riding through areas with service for that cell 
system and only if they have a GPS enabled phone and service that supports 

Lots of If's.


= = = Original message = = =

I think that would require tapping the cellphone network, which I doubt 
they would let you do since it be a major violation of privacy, because 
you could track the general location of anyone on their network.

Thomas wrote:
> Hi there,
> I was wondering if anybody has attempted to track a mobile phone through a
> country. I know that this is usually more a case for the FBI . a friend of
> mine is going on a 4 month bike tour and I would like to 'track' him for
> locations. I thought of an sms receiving system, but if could do any other
> way would be great.
> Any ideas?
> Thomas

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