Hello all,

I'm having trouble with upgrading my php 4.1.1 to 4.3.
I have Apache 1.3.2 /php 4.1.1/Mysql 3.23.39 on winME. 
 It has been running fine but I can't make php 4.3 work.  
I have installed 4.3 to a directory next to my current php.
I put 4.3 in  /php43 and have php 4.1.1 in /php in the same directory.
When I switch the directory in httpd.conf to php43 and restart Apache it says
it can't LoadModule php4_module /php43/sapi/php4apache.dll
but if I switch back to /php it starts right up.
All of the files in php exist in php43.  The names are all the same 
anyway.  The two installations of php appear almost identical
but Apache doesn't like the new one.
What am I missing ?

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