Hi Folks,

I'm using PHP 4.3.10, the Zend Optimizer and Apache 1.3.33.

Somehow, if I want to open for example /dikkerapper.php, it is also possible to access it through /dikkerapper (without the .php extension)
I haven't seen this before, but when I checked it also occurs on my other servers. The thing is, it causes some big problems with mod_rewrite. For example:

the contents of the dir:


And the mod_rewrite directives are set like this:

/hello -> /dispatcher.php?a=hello
/how/are/you -> /dispatcher.php?a=how/are/you

but when


is requested, it first (apperently) finds dikkerapper.php is found in the directory, and the url is rewritten to:


This might be an apache issue, but can also be related to php.ini I guess. Any ideas? I don't get any replies on the apache configuration newsgroups.

I'm using slackware packages for php and apache.


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