Re: [PHP] generate e.g. circles on the fly with coordinates for postioning

2001-02-24 Thread Joe Conway
>Subject: [PHP] generate e.g. circles on the fly with coordinates for postioning > >Can php + what modules do this and >has anybody succeeded to do something like the followingbefore? > >I want to generate simple images on the fly, e.g. a 50px circle on a transparent backgr

[PHP] generate e.g. circles on the fly with coordinates for postioning

2001-02-24 Thread Helmut Ott
Can php + what modules do this and has anybody succeeded to do something like the followingbefore? I want to generate simple images on the fly, e.g. a 50px circle on a transparent background of 200x200 px using php. I want to position the circle on the background using x and y coodinates. Is