
> I was looking a way to fill a forms on line and send them over via the server.


> Found a good(in my mind) and simple php mail skript

> from http://open.appideas.com/phpMailForm/source.php


> I managed to get it working. In my form there is a upload the the file section.

> like this:

> <FORM name="your_file" value="2000000"><input name="attachment" type="file">

> with max value of 2megs.

> It's not working. Pecause Im absolutely new in this I dont have a any idea how to

> implement attachment part into this script.Original script is here:


> <?

> $MailToAddress = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";

> $MailSubject = "Equipment Posting";

> if (!$MailFromAddress) {

> $MailFromAddress = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";

> }

> $Header = "";

> $Footer = "";

> ?>

> <html>

> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

> <font face="Arial"><center>

> The following information has been delivered:

> </center>


> <?

> if (!is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS))

> return;

> reset($HTTP_POST_VARS);

> while(list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {

> $GLOBALS[$key] = $val;

> $val=stripslashes($val);

> echo "<b>$key</b> = $val<br>";

> $Message .= "$key = $val\n";

> }


> if ($Header) {

> $Message = $Header."\n\n".$Message;

> }


> if ($Footer) {

> $Message .= "\n\n".$Footer;

> }


> mail( "$MailToAddress", "$MailSubject", "$Message", "From: $MailFromAddress");

> ?>

> <br><br>

> <b>Thank You!</b>

> <br><br>

> <a href="<? echo "$HTTP_REFERER"; ?>">Return To The Mail Form</a><br><br>

> <a href="/">Home Page</a><br><br>


> Can anybody help please.I dont know if I'm explained correctly so please excuse me.

> Olev.

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