Dear list,

Hi there. I have a bit of a performance problem under IIS, and I can't seem to figure it out.

I have two similar servers. Both are running php v4.3.1 (as a cgi) with IIS on Win2k. Both have nearly identical php.ini files, and IIS configurations (as far as I can tell).

However, the "slow" server only serves one php document at a time. For example, I wrote a test script that counts from 0 to 10, sleeping for a second in between each count. If I hit that page with a browser, IIS waits until the counting is finished before serving up any subsequent pages (triggered from another browser window).

The "fast" server doesn't behave like this. When I trigger the counter script, I can go to many other php pages while the counter is running.

The strange thing is that the task manager shows many instances of php.exe (one for each php page that is hit). So, it looks like multiple instances of the php executable are being called. But, for some reason, IIS is waiting (linearly) to serve the php pages.

I'm fairly sure I'm missing some obscure check box in the IIS configuration. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?


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