Hi all,

I'm attempting to use readfile() to redirect the user to a .htaccess
protected page:


The stats/ directory is .htaccess'ed. [and the URL is even longer, with a
lot of other options tagged onto the awstats call]. I would like to be
able to redirect users to a simplier URL:


and have the 'authorization required' browser dialog box pop up when going
there [like it does when they visit the long/normal URL].

Instead, what I'm getting back is a PHP error stating that HTTP/1.1
Authorization Required in line 2 of the above page. Does readfile() not
pass along 401s to the browser? I know I can do an alias in apache's
setup, which is what I plan on doing if readfile() can't be made to work.
But I am curious if this is a limitation or design in readfile().



Vince LaMonica               UC Irvine,  School  of  Social Ecology
 W3 Developer       <*>      116 Social Ecology I, Irvine, CA 92697
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.seweb.uci.edu/techsupport

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