I have just recently began pulling together some of the project work I
have done to build a little library of tools.  In doing so I have made a
number of functions from what used to be separate include files... yes,
I'm transitioning from linear programming to that new-fangled functional
programming style. <grin>

One of the components I was working on today was a user login tool. 
Unfortunately I re-aquainted myself with the problems that I fought with
but forgot about when I wrote this code months ago.  [my solution months
ago was to not use functions or classes in this code, which was
cumbersome and ugly]

The following is from
http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-register.php and explains
it well:

- - - -
03-Jan-2001 01:37 
Some note about session_register() scope. I ecountered problems while
trying to register varible inside a function in one of my classes in my
web application. Apparently this function can only be properly called
from the scope of the page, not from some functions on that page: 

- - - -
To paraphrase, session_register() does not follow proper scoping rules
when identifying it's parameters.  I find this to be an odd language
design decision because the developers created funtions and classes
which conform to a satisfactory scoping policy but when they added
session vars, they did not make session vars use that scoping policy at
all.  Instead the session_register function looks at the $GLOBALS, and
matches from this 'scope' only.  That seems like a problem to me, but it
has been around so long that I fear it is now a 'feature' of the
language.  I have trouble fathoming that this would indeed have been an
unintentional result, so I am not considering it a 'bug'.

Can someone explain the logic behind this to me?  I don't see why
session_register() behaves as it does.  I should not need to globalize
my local variables in order to register them with the session.

I even thought of a way to 'fix' this without breaking everyone's legacy
work, I think.  We have all these associative arrays for grouping
variables (scoping them, if you will) in $GLOBALS, $HTTP_POST_VARS,
$HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS, etc... why not make another global
associative array $LOCAL which contains variables with strictly local
scope, whatever that scope may be (and for which we never need to write
"global $LOCAL").  No small task, but it would provide another way to
explicitly work in a local_only scope in the context of conflicting
names, etc.

Then I *ought* to be able to do something like the following to register
the session variable:  $val


function defoo($bar)
// this is a TOY example, but the principle holds.  Some data, available
in a function, needs 
// to be registered. It is inappropriate to make $val a global, not to
mention poor technique.
  $val = $bar - 1;

Can anyone point at this and tell me why it SHOULD NOT happen?  Does
anyone have an elegant work-around for me that negates the need for

If not, I would feel OK passing this off towards the development team
and working with them on it to improve the language.

please CC your reply to: nepolon AT worlddomination DOT net


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