I'm trying to implement this smtp_email stuff.  I'm running Win2k, ArgoSoft
Mail Server Pro, PHP 4.3.0, MySQL, etc.  I downloaded everything on these

DNS Resolver: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/file/1910.html
MIME: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/package/9.html
SMTP: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/package/14

I'm sorry, but I'm a newb, so I have no idea what I'm doing with PHP.  I
created a \includes directory under my main PHP directory and my include
path in the .ini file points there.  I copied all of these files there
except for the test_*.* files.

I host my own mail server on the same machine.

I then loaded up the file test_smtp.php in an editor and started filling in
some blanks, like:

$to - changed this to my email address
$smtp->user - changed this to my email username
$smtp->realm - changed this to my domain name
$smtp->password - changed this to my email password

I left everything else alone except changing $smtp->debug=1 after it didn't
work the first time.  My mail server requires authentication.  I didn't
receive any email, nor any output in the browser when I run that test page.
Looks like it should give me SOME sort of feedback whether it succeeds or
fails at the bottom, apparently it's never getting that far.

I have php.ini configured to write it's error_log to a file, but it's always

I'm guessing I need to put in my DNS server names and ip's, but I have no
idea where or how to do this in this php file or some other one?  I have two
that I could put in if I knew where.

I haven't done anything to any of the other files, so if there is something
else I need to configure, please tell me what and in which file.

Sorry to be such a PITA, but I REALLY need to get this thing working.

Thanks in advance.

Rad Craig

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