On Mon, 27 Aug 2001 02:59, Wolfgang Schneider wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> can someone have a look at this bit of code please and help me out?
> I am getting an error message when calling a php page containing the
> code below, and the message reads:
> "Warning: Undefined index: view in
> c:/bibelcenter.de/www/links/links.php3 on line 76"
> Now the line 76 in question is the last one of the code section below
> ... can someone tell me what's missing there? how could this "index
> view" be defined?
> ____________________________________________
>  # Get the content before showing the webpage
> if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['category'] == 'top_links')
>    {
>       $your_current_location = "Most Popular Links";
>               $category_links=Top_Hits($sp_max_top_links);
>     }
> else if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['category'] == 'new_links')
>     {
>       $your_current_location = "Newly Added Links";
>       $category_links=Newly_Added($sp_max_new_links);
>     }
> else
>     {
>       $categories = viewPage($HTTP_GET_VARS['category']);
>       $your_current_location =
> display_category($HTTP_GET_VARS['category']);
>       $category_links =
> display_category_links($HTTP_GET_VARS['category'],
> $HTTP_GET_VARS['view']);
>     }
> _____________________________________________
> Any helpful ideas? I only get this warning message in my Win2k
> machine which I have set up for testing webpages purposes, it does
> not show up on my ISP's server ... so I suspect that somehow the
> server's php tolerates something in the code which my php version
> here somehow puts up the warning ...
> Any helpful hints and ideas are much appreciated. Thank you!

There will probably be different levels of error reporting in the two 
php.ini files.

view is an index of the array $HTTP_GET_VARS, and is apparently not 
defined at that part of the script.

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   A cat sleeps fat, yet walks thin.

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