-----Original Message-----
From:   Steve Haemelinck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   maandag 12 februari 2001 21:52
To:     'Steve Haemelinck'
Subject:        RE: [PHP] XML Parsing The Sequel II

Ok, I solved the problems with my proxy, I can get the xml but I can not get
it completely.
Why?  Because I am not able to open the tags and that is why it stops at the
first one.
Does anyone has an idea how I can open the tags ?
This is my code so far :)
function GetXMLData($xmlFile_Location){
# Proxy Settings

/* Get the required data from Nasdaq */
$sockPointer = fsockopen($proxy_ip,$proxy_port, $errNo, $errStr,30);
//Connect to Proxy
if( !$sockPointer ){
echo "$errStr Proxy not Available \n \n";
fputs($sockPointer,"GET $xmlFile_Location / HTTP/1.0\n\n");
while (!feof($sockPointer)){
$Data .= fgets($sockPointer, 1000);

/* Store the locally for Parsing */
SaveDataLocally($Data, ".xml");

-----Original Message-----
From:   Steve Haemelinck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   maandag 12 februari 2001 20:42
To:     'Steve Haemelinck'
Cc:     PHP Mailing Listl (E-mail)
Subject:        RE: [PHP] XML Parsing The Sequel II

I think I found the problem.
Because I am behind a proxy I can not connect to http://quotes.nasdaq.com.
And get the data !!!

-----Original Message-----
From:   Steve Haemelinck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   zondag 11 februari 2001 11:13
To:     PHP Mailing Listl (E-mail)
Subject:        [PHP] XML Parsing The Sequel II

Ok, yesterday I had problems parsing an XML from Nasdaq.  Thx to Matt these
problems have been solved and I am know able to parse any XML without
problems (I hope).
But I have one question:
In order to parse an XML you have to tell your parser where to find the
$xml_file = "test.xml';
This works perfectly, but If you want to get the XML files from Nasdaq you
have to say
$xml_file =
This however doe not work !!!
Why?  How can I overcome this problem?

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