On 17-May-01 Jack Sasportas wrote:
> OK I have asked the question before and not really gotten the answer, so
> I will re-word what I am trying to do.
> First I figured out that part of my problem may be how I am storing the
> date into mysql from php.
> Currently we are using the now() function to store the date in one field
> and the time in another.  I know understand what is physically being
> stored in the db.
> I am trying to retreive the date value from the mysql db, and display it
> on the screen in a standard format like 05/08/01.
> What I get right now is 2001-05-09.
> Also the time comes out like so: 227:08:22
> I have tried this:
> $t_data_array[1]=date("m/d/y",mysql_result($db_result,$db_record,'date'));
> and the result is: 12/31/69 formatted nicely but that date is 5/9/2001
> not 1969.
> I have tried several suggestions and other things, but I am not being
> successful.
> Here is what I am trying to do:
> I would like the result of the date to be formatted as 05/01/01
> and the time as 18:51
> Please give me some very specific instructions, this is a silly thing to
> be stuck on...
>        $t_data_array[1]=mysql_result($db_result,$db_record,'date');
>        $t_data_array[2]=mysql_result($db_result,$db_record,'time');

A. Have MySQL do the formatting:
  select DATE_FORMAT('%m/%d/%y %r', mydate) as da_date from ...

B. parse it and let PHP do the heavy lifting:
    list ($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s)=explode('- :', $row->mydate);
    $da_date=strftime('%D %r', mktime($h, $i, $s, $m, $d, $y);

Don Read                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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