PHP 4 Bible (Converse/Park, IDG Books) has a chapter on OO programming that
contains sample code for an entire DB layer... 

Failing that you can knock your own up really easily, using include() to
stick it in whatever script you fancy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Erich Reimberg N. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 24 May 2001 16:48
Subject: [PHP] NEED BOOK: DB Abstaction


  Can anyone here, please, recommend me a good book that covers the
DB abstracion that has PHP4? Most of the books only deal with MySQL,
and that's not always my choice for a DB administrator. So I need
to program scripts that can connect to any DB.

  I use this in ASP: I write a tiny script that only connects to
a DB, and then I include it in any script that needs DB connectivity.
Then, If I change the DB, I only change the tiny script, and the
rest works just like before.
(By the way, is it possible to do this in PHP at all? I believe it

  Please, if you have any books you can recommend Cc to my email 

Erich Reimberg N

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