if you have each filename on a new line, then use file() to grab the
contents. It returns an array, each line is an element in the array. You can
then do what you want with the array


-----Original Message-----
From: stu9820 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 1:08 PM
Subject: [PHP] New as of today

Im new to PHP (came from ASP).  I'm trying to make pictures (.jpgs) come out

of a folder and display on a page.  Here is my code so far:

$fileLoc = "Bid2002/pictures.txt";
$zFile = fopen($fileLoc, "r");
$zContents = fread($zFile, filesize($fileLoc));
echo "<a href=test.php>$zContents<br></a>";

I dont have database support on the server i use (school server).  I have
the picture names in a text file and i want to pull out the name of pictures

from the text file and make it pull out of the picture folder.  Is there an 
easier way to do this?  Or is this the best way.  ASP is very because you
loop through the file and I thought I could do it with php but it ends up in

one big link.  Thanks in advance.

UWG Student

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