David Strencsev wrote:
> You may play with these functions:
> addslashes();
> stripslashes();
> htmlentities();
> html_entity_decode();

Thanks for your help manu and david.  I'm going to attempt converting
the html characters and see if that works, but something also makes me
think this might be a server configuration issue.

The reason I say this is that I've run into this error on my machine,
but when I try it on our academic web server it works fine, and when I
ran a test on my system administrator's machine it worked fine as well.

Now, some time ago I ran into a problem with the uploading of images on
my machine, in that during the upload process the image was somehow
being mangled and the uploaded copy was always a few K larger than the
original, and no longer a valid file.  I ran the test on my system
administrator's machine and it was fine.

These two things make me think it's something in the way my server is
configured.  I'm pretty new to Linux, so I have absolutely no idea what
it might be and will be posting to some Linux and Apache forums to see
if I can pinpoint it.

In the meantime I will try converting the characters before they're
displayed in the textarea for editing and before they're submitted to
the db.

Thanks again guys.


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