-----Original Message-----
From: larry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 20 February 2003 12:31 PM
Subject: [PHP] Re: excluding same field values in mysql

In your query throw a 'DISTINCT' in right after your 'SELECT';

Sunfire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> im making a mailing system for a company. i have to find all email
> in a table and send email to all of them. the problem comes in when more
> than 1 company has the same email address (owned by same person). what i
> have to do is if more than 1 company has the same email address only use
> of them that are the same for the email not all of them..
> example:
> company1 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> company2 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> in the example above i want to only use one of those addresses since they
> would end up getting 2 emails and that wouldnt look right..

> code i have so far is:
> <?php
> //connect to db stuff here
> $query=mysql_query("select company, Email from members");
> while($mail=mysql_fetch_array($query)){
> mail($mail[Email], $subject, $message, "from: $sender");
> echo "mail was sent to: $mail[company]<br>";
> }
> echo "<a href=\"main.php\">go back to main menu</a>";
> ?>

> works fine except only using an email address 1 time if more than one of
> same email..

> anybody have any ideas how to fix this?

> tnx

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