I had an idea myself to do this.   But I've held off because I want to do
something rather robust but still flexible.

I was going to use a database table..  with the fields..   to.. from..
subject.. body.. etc
I was then going to have a cron task that ran every so often grabbing the
records 1000-2000 at a time and sending them...   if the script timed out
the queue would still be there next time it ran.

Would this be a good solution for a heavy amount of emails?  The benefit I
guess is I can use any language I like to read the database and send the
emails but still queue it up with php or any other language.   I could even
add a date time field to send emails at a certain time as well.

I think it would also free the user up faster as the records could be added
to the database with "Insert delay".   The series of inserts would be done
and the user can forget about it.

A simple admin page with a Count query could monitor the queues progress.

Am I on the right track? any ideas   additions?



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 3:09 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: [PHP] Mass Mailing with PHP & MySQL

----- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----
    Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 22:07:34 -0700
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Mass Mailing with PHP & MySQL
      To: Justin French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Is Peter McNulty out there anywhere?

Don't have a lot of experience with mailing scripts, but I use the one found

Anyone else?


Quoting Justin French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

### A while() loop will, at some point, break.  this is because the script
### will
### timeout on the server before you send to any large lists... when I say
### large, this could be 100 address', or could be 10,000 -- it all depends
### on
### your server/ISP and server load at certain times.
### A better/simpler solution would be to build a Bcc header field using the
### while loop, then only send ONE email to 1000's of email address' via the
### Bcc
### field, just like you would from Outlook.
### BUT, your host may impose restrictions on how many emails you can send
### one Bcc... my host has a limit of 100.
### So, I tend to send a few emails of 50-ish people per email to my list,
### balancing the two above issues.
### There are also some simple/complex classes on phpclasses.org (esp the
### by
### manuel lemmos) which can overcome both these problems, with various
### methods.
### I haven't used them yet, basically because I don't see the need yet,
### given
### my small lists.
### Justin
### on 20/01/03 3:21 PM, Tim Thorburn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
### > Hi,
### >
### > I'm working on a mailing solution for a client.  His site collects
### email
### > address from a 'Send this site to a friend' page (user enters their
### email
### > address and up to 10 other addresses - a message is then sent to the
### > addresses from the users own email address).  The addresses are then
### stored
### > in a MySQL database - a column for the users email address, and then a
### > column each for the additional 10 addresses.
### >
### > Now the client would like to have the ability to send an email to all
### > addresses collected at once - to inform the addresses of a sale, etc.
### I'm
### > guessing for this to be done, I'd have to select all the DISTINCT
### > addresses from the 11 columns (users email, and the 10 addresses),
### use
### > a loop to send the mail out.
### >
### > I had planned on using PHP's mail() function - does anyone know of any
### > limitations imposed by this method?  Normally, I'd contact the ISP and
### ask
### > them directly, however it's been several weeks since they've answered
### the
### > phones.
### >
### > Does anyone have any other/better options that I should pursue?  This
### will
### > be my first mass mailing typed job so I'm not really sure where to
### or
### > if I'm on the right path at all.
### >
### > Thanks
### > -Tim
### >
### >
### --
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