Hello Chris,

Sunday, June 6, 2004, 5:27:31 PM, you wrote:

c> and you'll find that there is not a comprehensive comparison. Don't be so
c> quick to assume that someone hasn't done their homework. I've the spent the
c> past 6 months learning .NET and searching for comprehensive discussions of
c> how it compares to other web development approaches. I can assure you that
c> there are very few comprehensive ROI or technical comparisons being made.

c> There are, however, plenty of .02 about m$ and open source.

It's a bit of a non-starter from the outset though. The .NET framework
is vast and extends well beyond the confines that PHP operates within.
To compare them on a single web level would be relatively pointless,
not to say misleading for both parties concerned. I don't believe
there is anything that compares to the .NET framework as a whole, other
than maybe Java. So if you want accurate comparisons that would be
the place to look. Anyone who thinks ASP.NET is even remotely similar
to ASP just doesn't understand what .NET is about. Yet comparing PHP
with ASP is a perfectly valid exercise in terms of cost benefits, ROI,
development times, etc.

These are, however, just my .02 worth - though I have used the .NET
framework (specifically C#) commercially for nearly 4 years (and PHP
for considerably longer than that).

Best regards,

Richard Davey
 http://www.launchcode.co.uk - PHP Development Services
 "I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde

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